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UNLIMITED IS YOU! it is your definition, your mindset, and your destination. IT IS your billboard, your alarm clock, your name tag as well as that post it sticky note reminding you there is no limitations on your greatness because the I AM says you are worthy. you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Is inspired by my little brother Ishmael. it was his childhood name, and him being a huge source of motivation and push , this bag is meant to get you to where your going the way his pep talks always gets me going.
UNLIMITED "Black Graphic T"
Is a statement basic black T with the brand logo on it in white letters. it is meant to be simple because it is the foundation of the brand itself. it is meant to set the tone of self-discovery and ultimately lead to the first steps in propelling you into your journey.
UNLIMITED White graphic T.
The UNLIMITED white T has the logo on the front in black letters. it is a basic T shirt because it is meant to set the pace. it is equivalent to a sketch on a sheet of paper. it is the foundation to what the image will become. so put this shirt on and allow it to be the foundation in which you chose to build upon to be UNLIMITED.
UNLIMITED Gold teardrop Earrings
the expression "tiny but mighty" comes to mind when having the logo etched into this ear accessory. they may not be big but the expression is so loud
The Biyo Kimono.
The "Biyo Kimono" is inspired by the film "House of the flying daggers", it is a non traditional garment inspired by Asian culture. that consist of multicolor brocade patchwork
with a silk poly lining and black satin pleats with trim.